East Hamilton Middle High School

Attendance Tips & Policies

Attendance Information

If a student arrives at school after 7:15, the student must come in the front doors and sign in through the Raptor computer system.

Attendance is taken around 7:30 by 1st block teacher.

If a student signs in at 7:45 or after the student will be marked as an unexcused absence for 1st block but not the whole day.

If a student misses half of a class, they will be marked absent for the whole class.

Automatic calls go out to parents between 9:45-10:00 am and are based off 1st block attendance.

Teachers take attendance in PowerSchool every period. It is very important that students that come into the building tardy sign-in on the raptor computer system in the foyer.

All notes are entered at the end of the day or the next day. New attendance is email is [email protected]

If a student driver needs to be dismissed from school, they must have a handwritten note, email or fax from the student’s guardian or parent before they can leave. Handwritten notes dropped off at the front office are best. The note must have the student’s name, time to be dismissed, name of person dismissing and phone number to contact if school sees necessary. The student must come to the front office to pick-up the dismissal slip, so we know they have left the building.

If a parent would like someone else to pick up the student one time and they are not on the pick-up list, then the office must have it in writing. If a parent would like to add someone to the student’s pick-up list, it must be in writing.

If a student is 15 or older and wants to get their SF1010 form for their permit, then they need to scan the QR code and fill out the google form. The QR codes are located in the on the front office windows. You can also click on a link on our website. You must have no more than 15 unexcused absences per semester. You will be emailed when it is ready to come to the front office to pick it up at your convenience.

 Absences are coded in PowerSchool as the following:

UNX—Unexcused absence                              PEX—Parent excuse

UTY-Unexcused tardy                                      TDY--Excused tardy                 

EXC—Excused absence                                  MED—Medical absence

CRT--Court                                                     ACT— School activity

 DTH-Death in the family                                  HBD—Homebound

 REL—Religious holiday                                  ISS—In School Suspension

 SUS--Suspended                                           ALT—Alternate School (Washington)

 Z--Expelled                                                    P—Present (not used often)                   

Blank—means the original code was cleared out and the student is present

Unexcused absence means that the student is not at school or missed half of the class. An unexcused absence will not be changed without documentation.

Unexcused tardy means late to school or late to class from an outside appointment.

Excused tardy means late to class with a note from a teacher, admin, counselor, nurse, or a doctor’s note.

Parent excuse is a handwritten note, email, or fax from the student’s guardian or parent. The note should have the student’s first and last name, date, and explanation of why the student was out. A parent excuse is used for an all-day absence not for a tardy or a single class. A student is allowed 3 all day parent excuses per school year.

Medical absence is when the student is out of school for a medical appointment. The documentation must include the student's first and last name and the dates that they missed school. If the student is out two or more days past the original doctor’s documentation, then call the doctor’s office and have them fax over a new doctor’s note with the correct dates. If a student has a chronic health condition that may cause the student to be out often, you may ask the student’s doctor for a standing doctor note. The doctor’s standing note requires the student’s name, the health condition and that it may require them to be late or absent from school. The parent or guardian is still required to send in an email, handwritten note, or fax stating the student is out for the medical condition, dates, and to refer to the doctor standing note for the absence to be entered into PowerSchool as medical.

Excused absence is when the nurse sends the student home sick for that day only and possibly the next day. It is also used for admin exemptions.

Activity absence means the student was out of class for a school activity, examples are fundraiser selling, field trips, ACT testing, AP testing, school performance, district performance, games, tournaments, and 3 college visits with documentation.

Court absence means the student had to appear in court and will be changed with proof of appearance.

Death in the family absence documentation is an obituary or memory card with the student’s first and last name and the dates the student was out because of the death in the family.

Religious Holiday absence is when a student is out because of a special or recognized religious holiday regularly observed by that particular faith with documentation from the church.

Homebound is a service that is provided for students who are unable to attend school due to serious health or orthopedic impairment where the student will be absent for a minimum of ten consecutive school days. For more information on this type of absence contact a school counselor or Brooke Bridges, Homeschool liaison.

The difference between unexcused and excused absences is unexcused absences are where the teacher does not have to let the student make up their work. Excused absences the teacher is required to let the student make up assignments. Activity absences do not go against the student’s attendance.


If you have any other questions or concerns you may contact  Paula Zeh, attendance clerk at [email protected]

If you have any questions about truancy you may contact Erick Baird, at [email protected]

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